Is the Viral Video of Husband with Amnesia Complimenting Beautiful Wife a Hoax Because the Husband is an Actor?

Who wouldn’t want to wake up from surgery and find out you’re married to the beautiful “nurse” feeding you? That’s the premise behind a new viral video hit starring Jason Mortensen, who wakes up groggily after hernia surgery to discover a beautiful woman is feeding him a cracker and making

coma-man-wife-fakeWho wouldn’t want to wake up from surgery and find out you’re married to the beautiful “nurse” feeding you?

That’s the premise behind a new viral video hit starring Jason Mortensen, who wakes up groggily after hernia surgery to discover a beautiful woman is feeding him a cracker and making a video of him.  Unknown to Mortensen, the woman holding the camera is his wife, Candice.  When Mortensen is told this, he goes on a minute and a half-slurred rant on how lucky he is to be married to a beautiful woman.

It’s the type of video you’d expect to be played on Ellen, and afterwards she’d give the couple a free trip to Aruba or Italy or some place like that to celebrate the beauty of love.  Indeed, the couple appeared this week on The Today Show.  The lesson being that sometimes you have to put someone through surgery to find out how they truly feel about you.  Or something like that.  Look, nobody every mistook me for a romantic, okay?

But some are calling the video a hoax after someone on Reddit discovered that Mortensen has an acting background, especially since other actors have used viral videos of questionable authenticity to launch careers.  In fact, in comments to Slate Dr. Larry Squire, a University of California-San Diego psychologist, expresses doubt that this sort of amnesia after an operation is even possible.

Mortensen and his wife have since insisted that the video is authentic in interviews with various media outlets, and the hospital has confirmed that Mortensen had the surgery.  We’ll leave it up to you to decide on the video’s authenticity.

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