A bit of improvisation and a lot of chemistry landed Ginnifer Goodwin her role on “Big Love”

"I realized when I kissed him that it was unexpected and therefore none of the other girls must have molested him in the way I was intending to molest him."

The sexual chemistry between Big Love stars Ginnifer Goodwin and Bill Paxton was apparent from the moment they met, only at that time Goodwin had no idea just how good it came across onscreen.

Goodwin says she was given a love scene as her screen test and soon enough found herself in a conference room with Paxton and “25 dudes in suits,” she recalls.

“I was very confused about how I was supposed to go about performing this love scene in this chair,” Goodwin says. “So I got out of mine and climbed into Bill Paxton’s chair with him. I realized when I kissed him that it was unexpected and therefore none of the other girls must have molested him in the way I was intending to molest him.”

Concerned she may have gone to far and blown the audition, Goodwin called her agent to apologize, but apparently there was no need to do so. It seems those 25 “dudes in suits” were impressed by her improvisation, because over the speaker phone she heard, “Welcome to “Big Love!”

via tvsquad.com

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