A one minute teen male monologue from the film, Can’t Hardly Wait.
Can’t Hardly Wait Monologues

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Preston): “Maybe nothing happens for a reason.”

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Girl Whose Party It Is): “My problem?! My PROBLEM??!!”
A comedic one minute monologue for teen girls from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Angel): “I mean, he was right there. I was supposed to be with him.”
A dramatic monologue for women from the film, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Trip McNeely): “Guys like us are a dime a dozen”
A comedic one minute male monologue for teens from the film, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Denise): “You haven’t spoken to me since sixth grade”
A dramatic one minute female monologue for teens from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Preston): “This is everything I’ve been wanting to say to her”
A dramatic monologue for male teens from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Amanda): “I really do wish things were different, I swear I do.”
A female monologue for teens from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Reminiscing Guy/Girl): “I’m like totally gonna miss you!”
A comedic monologue for male or female teens from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Kenny): “I am a finesse player, you know whatum sayin’?”
A comedic male monologue for teens from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (William): “Tonight is the night we fight back!”
A comedic one minute monologue for teens from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Mike): “Guys, we’re not in high school anymore”
A one minute comedic male monologue from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Preston): “October, Freshman year.”
A comedic teen male monologue from the film, Can’t Hardly Wait.

‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Preston): “You are not gonna believe what happened”
A comedic teen monologue from the movie, Can’t Hardly Wait