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ben kingsley

Chris Evans on Why Acclaimed Actors are Doing Marvel Movies: “We don’t just love good performances. We love good movies. And Marvel has the Midas touch”

The upcoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier seems to have even more buzz than usual surrounding it, which says a lot considering few movies generate as much buzz these days as a Marvel movie. While audiences definitely gave Captain America: The First Avenger high marks, it seemed like star Chris

Chris Evans on Why Acclaimed Actors are Doing Marvel Movies: “We don’t just love good performances. We love good movies. And Marvel has the Midas touch” Read More »

Ben Kingsley: “I think when actors are playing villains, the best key is not to look at how evil they can be, but to look into their total conviction”

Without spoiling much, Ben Kingsley absolutely steals the show in Iron Man 3. He plays the Mandarin, a terrorist who controls the television airwaves in order to broadcast his vicious acts.

Ben Kingsley: “I think when actors are playing villains, the best key is not to look at how evil they can be, but to look into their total conviction” Read More »

Ben Kingsley on Acting in a 3D Film: “The 3D camera has such X-ray capacity that you almost have to modify your acting to a terrifying degree”

One of the best-reviewed films of 2012 is Martin Scorsese’s Hugo, and a large part of the praise comes from both the film’s use of 3D and Ben Kingsley’s portrayal of early film pioneer Georges Melies.

Ben Kingsley on Acting in a 3D Film: “The 3D camera has such X-ray capacity that you almost have to modify your acting to a terrifying degree” Read More »

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