Search Results for: IL

Four Tips to Master the Telephone

Scared to pick up the phone to call a casting director, agent or producer? Dallas Travers has some great tips to get rid of those jitters!

Casting Frontier: Thanks For the Laugh

I got an email from Casting Frontier last night. I never go onto the site so I was curious as to what they were sending me. Here’s the email: NEW ROLE ! Your TCF profile matches some of the three criteria for the following role: Little Person MALE Description:  MUST

Movie Review: ‘Jonah Hex’

Here’s how to determine if you’ll want to see Jonah Hex: Do you like the DC comic it’s based on? Do you like Josh Brolin? Do you like explosions? Do you want to kill 80 minutes of your life? Then you will most likely want to see Jonah Hex. Everyone

3 Tips To Finding An Agent

Snagging an agent or manager can be tricky, time consuming, and expensive. Dallas Travers has 3 small steps to help you!

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