“Life’s Too Short” for hard feelings between Ricky Gervais and Johnny Depp

“The Depp bit is true. The Seinfeld isn’t."

According to Ricky Gervais’ blog, Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp harbours no hard feelings over Gervais making him the butt of numerous jokes during the Golden Globes broadcast, and Depp has agreed to appear in an episode of Gervais’ BBC2 sitcom Life’s Too Short.

Gervais used his This Side of The Truth blog to silence rumors that Jerry Seinfeld will appear on his show, but posted Depp will guest star along with numerous other high profile names, “The Depp bit is true. The Seinfeld isn’t.”

Co-written by Gervais’ creative partner Stephen Merchant, Life’s Too Short will air on HBO and BBC2. The premise of the show will revolve around the adventures of  its star Warwick Davis playing a self absorbed little person who operates a talent agency for other little people.

via hollywoodreporter.com


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