Franco tells Letterman about his Oscar appearance: “I love her, but Anne Hathaway is so energetic. I think the Tasmanian Devil would look stoned standing next to her”

"I think I actually -- I haven't watched it back -- maybe I had low energy. I honestly played those lines as well as I could."

James Franco was battered by critics after he co-hosted the Oscars with Anne Hathaway, with many of them saying he appeared to be stoned throughout the broadcast. Franco has insisted he was merely fatigued by to a hectic schedule.

Franco told David Letterman that his co-host was partly to blame. “I love her, but Anne Hathaway is so energetic. I think the Tasmanian Devil would look stoned standing next to Anne Hathaway…She has a lot of energy,” the actor said.

Letterman agreed, describing Hathaway as,”very buoyant…very ebullient.”

Franco was nominated for an Oscar this year for his role in “127 Hours” and believes he is recognized more as a dramatic actor than for his comedic skills. He summed up his Oscar experience for Letterman. “I think I actually — I haven’t watched it back — maybe I had low energy. I honestly played those lines as well as I could.”

Having hosted the Oscars in 1995, to mixed reviews, Letterman appeared to sympathize with Franco, describing his own experience as, “Horrible…I was so bad that they talked for a while about shutting down the motion picture industry.”

Franco’s Letterman appearance will air tonight.


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