ZELDA: When I was a little girl- I found a turtle sitting out in the middle of the road. Crossing it slowly. Car could run it over any minute. So, I picked it up, took it to a pond way back behind my house… and I laid it down under a big camphor tree, and I thought… “Mmmh- It’s gonna be so happy here”. And I left it there. (beat) But that night I figured out I had no idea where it was going… Far as I know it was bringing food to its nest or- looking to procreate- or escaping an owl. And maybe the worst place to keep it- maybe the place it was running from was that pond under that camphor tree. (looks at the fish) I didn’t care. I just did what I wanted with it…
‘The Shape of Water’ (Zelda): “I found a turtle sitting out in the middle of the road”
![The Shape of Water Octavia Spencer Monologue](https://www.dailyactor.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/the-shape-of-water-octavie-spencer-monologue.jpg)
'The Shape of Water' by Guillermo Del Toro & Vanessa Taylor
From: Movie
Type: Dramatic
Character: Zelda Fuller, "a plump African American woman in her 30’s."
Gender: Female
Age Range: 30's | 40's | 50's
Summary: Zelda thinks back to her childhood
More: Watch the Movie