GILES: (looks at TV protests) Dear God- Change that awfulness- I don’t want to see all that- (Elisa changes channels to Betty Grable Dances pretty baby from Coney Island. Giles moves the antenna around until the image is clear. Elisa gives him “thumbs up”) There- Now- That’s better… Oh, would you look at Betty! To be young and beautiful. If I could take this brain of mine- this heart- and put in it- If I could go back in time, when I was eighteen- I didn’t know anything about anything- I- would give myself a bit of advice, I tell you- I’d say: Take better care of your teeth and f—. A lot more.
‘The Shape of Water’ (Giles): “If I could go back in time”

'The Shape of Water' by Guillermo Del Toro & Vanessa Taylor
From: Movie
Type: Dramedy
Character: Giles, "late 60’s, refined and prim: wool vest, bow tie and tortoiseshell glasses. When he speaks he has a ever-so-slight stutter (which gets worse when he gets nervous)."
Gender: Male
Age Range: 50's | 60's
Summary: Giles thinks back on the advice he'd give his younger self
More: Watch the Movie