HAZEL: I just wanna say… there will come a time when, you know, all of us are dead. It might be tomorrow. Might be a million years from now but… it’s gonna happen. And when it does, enough generations will come and go, there’ll be no one left to remember Cleopatra. Or Mozart. Or Muhammad Ali, let alone any of us. Oblivion’s inevitable, dude. And if that scares you, well, I suggest you ignore it. God knows it’s what everyone else does.
‘The Fault in Our Stars’ (Hazel and the Support Group)

‘The Fault in Our Stars’ by Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber
From: Movie
Type: Dramatic
Character: Hazel
Gender: Female
Age Range: Late Teens
Summary: Sitting in a church, Hazel talks to her support group for the first time.
More: Watch the movie | Read the Book