HEATHER CHANDLER: You were nothing before you met me! You were playing Barbies with Betty Finn! You were a Brownie, you were a Bluebird, you were a Girl Scout Cookie! I got you into a Remington Party! What’s my thanks? It’s on the hallway carpet. I get paid in puke! (totally in control) Monday morning, you’re history. I’ll tell everyone about tonight. Transfer to Washington. Transfer to Jefferson. No one at Westerburg’s going to let you play their reindeer games.
‘Heathers’ (Heather Chandler): “You were nothing before you met me!”

HEATHERS by Daniel Waters
From: Movie
Type: Comedic
Character: The stylish Heather Chandler is "consistently offensive but the tone in which she speaks is sexy, dangerous, and mysterious. She is a mythic b."
Gender: Female
Age Range: Late Teens
Summary: Heather Chandler tells Veronica, her new frenemy, that she needs to watch herself.
More: Watch the Movie