TRACY: Dear Lord Jesus, I do not often speak with You and ask for things, but now I really must insist that You help me win the election tomorrow, because I deserve it and Paul Metzier doesn’t, as You well know. l realize that it was Your divine hand that disqualified Tammy, and now I’m asking that You go that one last mile and make sure to put me in office where I belong, so that I may carry out Your will on Earth as it is in Heaven. If elected I promise that I will pray more often. Okay? Amen.
‘Election’ (Tracy Flick): “I really must insist that You help me win the election”

'Election' by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor
From: Movie
Type: Comedic
Character: Tracy Flick, an uptight high school junior who is running for class president
Gender: Female
Age Range: Teens | Late Teens
Summary: Tracy, in desperation mode, prays that she wins the election.
More: Watch the Movie