ANGEL: Don’t say that. And it’s not stupid. I know, ‘cause… Well… I — I’ve been where you are. I was sixteen. And I had the biggest thing for Scott Baio… And I mean, this was like, years in the running. I’m talking “Happy Days” era, “Joanie Loves Chachi.“ God, I hated her. Joanie… And like, I was so sure that I was supposed to marry him… Mrs. Scott Baio. I was in his fan club, I wrote him all these letters– which I was way too embarrassed to send, by the way — but I was positive that like, no matter what, we’d find each other. Somehow. And it happened. Right after his first season of “Charles in Charge”, he was doing this mall tour. And he came here. To our mall. It was like it was… supposed to happen. So I went, you know. And I had this red bandanna for him — ’cause you know, Chachi always wore a red bandanna — and I waited outside. Overnight. I was the first person there when he pulled up. And he got out of the car and, and it was like — (she’s getting teary) He was so beautiful, and, he looked right at me and… I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t even move… I never even talked to him. I mean, he was right there. I was supposed to be with him. I still have that bandanna.
‘Can’t Hardly Wait’ (Angel): “I mean, he was right there. I was supposed to be with him.”

CAN’T HARDLY WAIT by Harry Elfont & Deborah Kaplan
From: Movie
Type: Dramatic
Character: Dressed as an Angel, she's a dancer who's car just broke down after a job.
Gender: Female
Age Range: 20's | 30's
Summary: Angel tells Preston about her teen crush, Scott Baio.
More: Watch the Movie