TIRED-LOOKING GUY: If you have half a brain, the job’s easy. Unbearably, soul-crushingly dull. But easy. The night shift is f—ing awful. It’s a f—ing stake through your brain. But after one a.m., it pay’s double-time. Why else would I do it? Okay… (sorting some papers) F—… It’s amazing how many of these f—ing Ivy League grads can’t write a single coherent sentence. I read this stuff – – it’s like what a lunatic might write on an asylum wall with his turd. You sure you want this job? Okay. F— it. Let’s get started.
‘Adventureland’ (Tired-Looking Guy): “If you have half a brain, the job’s easy”

'Adventureland' by Greg Mottola
From: Movie
Type: Comedic
Character: Tired-Looking Guy, late 20's and out of shape.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 20's | 30's
More: Watch the Movie