Interview: Dorian Brown talks ‘Wilfred’, the Challenges of Season Two and Working with Fake Babies
Dorian on Season Two: “It did not get easier”
Dorian on Season Two: “It did not get easier”
Einhorn on ‘Wilfred’: “It’s got to get deeper otherwise you’re going to lose interest in it”
Zuckerman: “We’re building to another surprise at the end of the season”
Mircea on auditioning nerves: “If you do the work, you’ll always be okay”
Dwight and Quvenzhané talk about how they got their parts as first-time actors and the crazy conditions they had to endure
Benh discusses Beasts, his decision to cast first-time actors and how he molded the script around their talent
Garson on the future of his character: “In life we don’t know what’s coming so I’d like to not know what’s coming”
Elijah chats about ‘Wilfred’, keeping his career diverse and a little film called ‘The Hobbit’
Gabriel: “I’m basically trying to take that script and expand on the writers and the director’s vision”
Tyler chats with us on how he managed to make that leap from indie film festivals to multiplexes
Gosselaar and Meyer talk about the show, their characters and the chemistry they’ve developed over the past year
Douglas on playing Gomez: “The fact that everyone has expectations, my first job was to forget about that”
Joe: “I always keep educating myself. That has been the key to my success”
Jamie: “If you don’t take risks, all of your friends will tell you that you’re really wise and you’re really careful, but you’re not going to move any mountains”
Mr. Nimoy on why he un-retired: “I’m a sucker for a good role”
Michaels on cast changes: “I know there will be some. It’s just sort of the nature of the way we work that no one kind of talks about it until the season’s done.
Blayne: “My entire writing and directing career has stemmed from my being an actor”
If you haven’t heard of Louisa Krause, wait a couple minutes because her name will soon be on your radar.
Ricky on why he left the UK: “There’s only so far you can go”
Jeremy: “I think the most important thing to be able to be is flexible in terms of the way that you work”