Interview: Glenn Howerton and Kaitlin Olson Talk ‘It’s Always Sunny’, an On-Set Accident and Moving to FXX

Glenn on Kaitlin's on-set accident: "I almost threw up"

Comic-Con: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is moving to FX’s new network, FXX, when it starts its ninth season on September 4th. Are stars Glenn Howerton and Kaitlin Olson worried about the move? Not at all. Glenn said that he knows they’re helping launch a new network, but since he doesn’t really have to do anything besides work on the show, he’s all good.

I talked to Glenn and Kaitlin in a roundtable interview at Comic-Con and as usual, they were both great. I transcribed a bit of the conversation but most of it is on video and if you’re a fan of the show, you should definitely watch it. In the video, Kaitlin talks about using an audio recorder for auditions and how she got a huge gash on her leg during one of the scenes. Glenn also talks about the big move to FXX and more!

Check it out below!

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia premieres on September 4th on FXX

With the move to FXX, as you’re writing, does it give you more pressure?

Kaitlin Olson: I didn’t even know about it until halfway through the season.

Glenn Howerton: Yeah, when we wrote… either way it wouldn’t have but I don’t think we knew when we were writing it. They would never have asked us to change anything and we wouldn’t… I wouldn’t know how to change anything and I wouldn’t want to and even if they asked me to I’d be like, “Yeah, sure. Ok,” and then I wouldn’t and I’d do exactly what I was going to do anyway.

Glenn Howerton: Because that’s what I always do.

Kaitlin Olson: Yeah, and they wouldn’t have asked it.

Glenn Howerton: They wouldn’t have asked it.

Kaitlin Olson: No.

Glenn Howerton: But I’m always gonna do whatever I want.

Kaitlin Olson: Right, no, no. You made that clear.

Glenn Howerton: Yeah.

Kaitlin Olson: Yeah.

How do they tell you?

Glenn Howerton: They texted us, yeah. Yeah, yeah. They… it was a…

Kaitlin Olson: They just texted “FXX” and then we had to go figure it out.

Glenn Howerton: Had to figure out what that meant. No, John Langroff sat us down for a meeting and said, “Hey, we’re doing this,” and sort of outlined the implications behind it. And I was like, “Does it affect… do I still get my money? Oh, I still get my money? Ok, I’m good.”

Kaitlin Olson: “Will we get paid for the episodes still?” And he said, “Yeah.”

Glenn Howerton: And he said, “Yeah,” and then I tuned out for the rest of the meeting.

Kaitlin Olson: And then we were like, “Can we have a snack? Because we’re hungry.”

Glenn Howerton: Yeah, and then I ate a snack.

Kaitlin Olson: And then you went and took a nap.


Glenn Howerton: I don’t remember what he said. I know that… I know that we’re launching a whole new network, but I also know that I don’t have to do anything towards that.

Kaitlin Olson: It’s very exciting.

Glenn Howerton: It’s very exciting. It’s awesome.

Kaitlin Olson: It’s like we’re headlining.

Glenn Howerton: We’re headlining now.

Kaitlin Olson: We’re headlining a huge concert.

That’s gotta make you guys feel proud, too. Right?

Kaitlin Olson: Very proud. I decided I was going to wear a crown for the rest of the year and a robe and a staff.

Glenn Howerton: Princess of a new network. Yeah. No, I mean, I think it’s… I think it’s cool. I think it’s great, I think they’re very smart to do it. It sounds like their strategy for what each network is gonna mean is something fresh and different for a network. It’s not genre based, it’s demographic based, which I think is just an interesting business move. We’ll see if it works, but it makes sense.

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