The 2011 Best (and Worst) List of Films and Actors

Check them out and let me know if you agree, disagree or want to throw rotten fruit at me because I'm so damn wrong.

As the year comes to a close and I have some free time, I’ve finally compiled our year-end Best and Worst list.

These are the Best, Worst and Most Disappointing films of the year as well as the Best Actors, both lead and supporting.

Check them out and let me know if you agree, disagree or want to throw rotten fruit at me because I’m so damn wrong. 

Best Films
Crazy Stupid Love

Like Crazy
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
The Artist
The Descendants
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Win Win

Worst Films
Take Me Home Tonight
Red Riding Hood
One Day
Rid Of Me
Tree of Life

While some people put Tree of Life on their lists of Best Films, I put it on my Worst. Why? Because I hated it. Don’t tell me it’s because “I didn’t get it.” I got it just fine. Even Sean Penn had no idea what the film was about. The film had no narrative at all. That’s why I go to and love film – for a story. This had none of that.

But, the absolute worst film of the year is Rid of Me, hands down. It opens with the lead character shopping in a grocery store. She spots the woman who stole her husband and then does something vile that even thinking about it makes me want to puke. The cast is so bad that they should get their SAG card revoked.

Most Disappointing Films
War Horse

I still have no idea why Carnage was ever made into a film. Or, why the original Broadway cast wasn’t invited to reprise their roles. What was a solid theatre production has been made into a claustrophobic and pointless film.

I was so looking forward to Spielberg’s version of War Horse but I left the theater completely disappointed. It was like he tried to make an uplifting family film set during the war and starring a horse. Huh? The only scene worth the price of admission was the ‘barbed-wire’ scene.

….and now, the actors

Best Actors

George Clooney – The Descendants
Joseph Gordon-Levitt – 50/50
Brad PittMoneyball
Michael ShannonTake Shelter
Anton YelchinLike Crazy

Best Actresses

Viola Davis – The Help
Felicity Jones – Like Crazy
Rooney MaraThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Elizabeth OlsenMartha Marcy May Marlene
Michelle WilliamsMy Week With Marilyn

Best Supporting Actor

Albert BrooksDrive
Philip Seymour HoffmanMoneyball/Ides of March
Christopher PlummerBeginners
Nick Nolte – Warrior
Andy SerkisRise of the Planet of the Apes

Best Supporting Actresses

Berenice Bejo – The Artist
Jessica ChastainThe Help
Judy GreerThe Descendants
Carey MulliganDrive/Shame
Octavia SpencerThe Help

3 thoughts on “The 2011 Best (and Worst) List of Films and Actors”

  1. Ken Murray via Facebook

    Tree of Life made my Worst list too. I haven’t done a best of yet, but here’s my worst if you haven’t read it:

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