Why Idris Elba Believes His “best performance is yet to come”
“There was a time when I was a job actor and I didn’t know what I wanted to learn from it – I just wanted to get paid.” – Idris Elba
“There was a time when I was a job actor and I didn’t know what I wanted to learn from it – I just wanted to get paid.” – Idris Elba
McDormand talks about her unique approach to her career and uses her latest acclaimed role as an example.
Dafoe spoke about why he seeks out unique projects… and why that doesn’t include television work
Elba makes two surprising admissions about his lack of readiness for the role and his belief that he wouldn’t be on Sorkin’s radar.
“Getting to play a character over a lengthy period of time is always a pleasure, especially if you like the character.” – Dylan O’Brien
Keaton explains why material is so much more important to him than money.
The Pennywise actor spoke about why it was such a difficult role to play, why the role terrified him, and what he has learned from his acting family.
Bautista spoke about why he took the role even though he didn’t initially like the script and what he brought to the character.
“Acting is acting at the end of the day, but playing these kinds of characters, there’s an element of being fearless to play them.” – Andy Serkis
“You allow yourself to let go of the responsibility of having to hit anything.” – Oscar Isaac on Acting
“I discovered that acting was really a study of human behavior; what made people tick. And that fascinated me, and still fascinates me.” – Dennis Quaid
The old adage that things have a way of working out for the best still applies to some of the most popular actors on the planet, too.
“That was something that I thought, I can grab onto that. I can run with that.” – Karen Gillan on Her ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Audition
“People sometimes talk about me as being a brand, having a strategy and whatever else. I wish.” – Emma Watson
“that’s what I left wrestling to do, was act.” – Dave Bautista
“I guess the truth is, for me, no matter what recognition I get, I think I am always going to question myself.” – Brie Larson
“Generally, every morning, I have to start from scratch.” – Bill Nighy on Being an Actor
Oyelowo explains how he approached a key scene where he had to give a speech defending his character to his people.
“I see some people that have talent and something to offer but they get in their own f*cking way sometimes.” – Michael Shannon
“I still work pretty instinctually—it’s a little bit like hearing the rhythm of the character in your head.” – Michelle Pfeiffer