Tom Cruise on His Musical Debut in ‘Rock of Ages’: “I did six months preparing for the movie”
“I was working on it when I was finishing ‘Mission’ and I was singing five hours a day and I was dancing five hours a day,” Cruise said.
“I was working on it when I was finishing ‘Mission’ and I was singing five hours a day and I was dancing five hours a day,” Cruise said.
A man is suing Lionsgate over the 2010 Russell Crowe film The Next Three Days because his image briefly appears in the film without his permission.
“It’s a very privileged opportunity I’ve been given, obviously. You know, the benefits are certainly very good. But there is a trade-off, as with anything.”
“There was definitely a moment where I thought this was a waste of my time. You can work your entire life as an actor, trying to develop and build a career. It’s a very thankless job and task.”
Shannon reveals how he manages to pull off such an intense role and whether he brings that same method to his other roles.
While it may be true that most entertainers have a “shelf life” — meaning that after a certain period of time their popularity, skill, or both are bound to wane — Brad Pitt has always seemed to be one of the rare exceptions.
“You’re in every scene and you never get 10 minutes off. And I do feel — and I think most people who play a leading role feel — a certain responsibility to the project generally and to all of [the] supporting cast … The pressure is greater, because in the end, it’s going to depend on whether people can stand looking at you for that length of time.”
“I’m just so sick of myself. I can’t imagine how everyone else feels. And there’s just nowhere to go but down really from here. So, hey, it’s been nice. It’s been real.”
Departing from the sixteenth floor of the Gramercy Hotel in New York, the actors and others all spilled into an elevator to work their way from the roof top event to the lobby, when the elevator gave way. Dropping dangerously below the second floor.
Yelchin was asked what initially drew him into acting and he explains, “I loved the improvisation part of it the most, because it was a lot like just playing around with stuff. There was something about it that I just felt completely comfortable doing and happy doing.”
Clint Eastwood’s films always come with great expectations — he is one of the few filmmakers who seems to always get magnificent reviews — but the expectations for Eastwood’s J. Edgar might be even more anticipated than usual since the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, an actor with a reputation for appearing in excellent films himself.
In a recent interview with New York Magazine, Harold & Kumar star Kal Penn explained the origin of his stage name and how it’s gotten him more auditions than his given name ever did.
In a recent and very extensive interview with Vogue Magazine, Rooney Mara and The Social Network director David Fincher shared how the actress landed the role of Lisbeth Salander in one of the most anticipated movies of the year, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
“It was hard for me to believe I could even play a cop.”
Mackenzie Crook might not be as well known as Rainn Wilson is in the United States, but Wilson’s character Dwight on the U.S. version of The Office owes everything to Gareth Keenan, the character Crook played in the original U.K. series of The Office. While Crook has appeared in such
“You lose your life when you enter this world. It was like I forgot what my life was.”
Like any other career, being a screenwriter has its ups and downs. If you don’t believe me, ask the anonymous screenwriter who spoke to Reuters about how his career has gone after his first movie made more than $80 million. But after that success his career eventually went dry and he’s currently working a two-week sales temp job.
Ralph Fiennes has recently blamed Twitter and our soundbite-obsessed media for dumbing down the English language.
It’s Halloween, and I’m sure you’ve seen at least one image of Frankenstein as you’ve geared up for the holiday. Chances are that the Frankenstein that you saw was based on the bolt neck, flat-headed lumbering portrayal of Frankenstein’s Monster made famous by Boris Karloff in the Universal Frankenstein film series.
At first it’s surprising that the highest grossing box office actor of all time isn’t someone like John Wayne or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but Samuel L. Jackson.