Another IMDb Blunder: Texas Councilman Listed as Softcore Adult Film Actor with Similar Name

San Marcos City Councilman Shane Scott faced when Brad Rollins, the publisher of local paper San Marcos Mercury, discovered that acting credits for the "Skinemax" series Life on Top were listed in Scott's IMDb profile.

IMDb posting your real age is one thing.  So is the site posting an inaccurate age or place of birth for you.  But posting inaccurate softcore adult film credits in your profile?  That’s something that could be a bit troubling, especially if you’re a politician.

But that’s the problem that independent filmmaker and San Marcos City Councilman Shane Scott faced when Brad Rollins, the publisher of local paper San Marcos Mercury, discovered that acting credits for the “Skinemax” series Life on Top were listed in Scott’s IMDb profile.

Of course, you could hardly blame Rollins when he went to press with the juicy story.  Councilman Scott, however, is known for writing and directing low-budget horror films like The Legend of Ghostwolf and The Magnificent Dead and for working on the production end of movies like The Alamo and Office Space.  The Cinemax credits belong to a totally different person with, or simply using, the same name.

As of now, the Shanes have been put on separate pages: the councilman and the Life on Top actor.  While this remedies the initial problem, Councilman Scott is upset that his name has now been associated with softcore adult films in the local press.  He asks, “Why was this brought up in an election year? Conspiracy theorists could think there’s an agenda.  I think it has a little to do with that but I’m not going to point fingers because that doesn’t help anything.”

Perhaps this could have all been avoided had Councilman Scott’s parents not given him a name that sounded like a adult film star’s alias in the first place.
via My Fox Houston

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