Gary Oldman’s Manager to Play Mayor of Detroit in ‘Robocop’ Remake

I guess maybe you can learn acting from osmosis by simply being in the company of one of the best actors around.

I guess maybe you can learn acting from osmosis by simply being in the company of one of the best actors around.

Producer and manager Douglas Urbanski, who counts Gary Oldman as one of his top clients, has already made a very brief appearance in The Social Network as the president of Harvard and in two brief parts in the 2000 film The Contender (which also starred Oldman) and the 1990 film Megaville.  But it seems like he’s making his film appearances more often than his previous once-in-a-decade schedule, as Urbanski will star in RoboCop as the mayor of Detroit, the city where RoboCop brandishes his law and order. 

Urbanski’s client Gary Oldman will star in the film as Norton, creator of RoboCop.  Urbanski wasn’t seeking the role, but the director of the film, José Padilha, picked Urbanski for the part in the remake of the 1980s sci-fi classic.

On why Urbanski is making a bigger leap into acting after years behind the scenes, he says, “I think every agent, every manager should do this to see what the other side is like.  This way, they will never think a client is crazy when they get a call from the set with crazy demands.”

via The Hollywood Reporter

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