Reporters, Please Stop Asking Tom Hanks Why He’s on Broadway: “I’m an actor… This is what we do. This is the job” (video)

Tom Hanks is riding high right now. He's got a hugely successful Broadway show, Nora Ephron's Lucky Guy. He's nominated for a Tony Award, the show has already recouped it's investment and, wait for it.... he was just voted as the most trusted man in America by Readers Digest.

Tom-Hanks_cbs-this-morningTom Hanks is riding high right now. He’s got a hugely successful Broadway show, Nora Ephron‘s Lucky Guy. He’s nominated for a Tony Award, the show has already recouped it’s investment and, wait for it…. he was just voted as the most trusted man in America by Readers Digest.

Yesterday, he appeared on CBS’ Sunday Morning where we were treated to some clips of the show – which makes me want to see it even more.

At one point, the interviewer asks him why he decided to work on Broadway. Why would he put himself through 8 shows a week? He’s been asked this question a bunch of times and I always hate it but he answers it perfectly. “Well, because I’m an actor. I’m sorry. This is what we do. This is the job. This is the fever that we have for which there is no cure. I love being an actor so much that everything else in show business is work compared to the moments where I get to put on clothes and pretend to be somebody else. That’s play. And the great secret is, we would all do it for free.”

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