Jerry O’Connell Makes the Ultimate Sacrifice for his Broadway Debut: Living with Mom and Dad Again!

Television star O'Connell is returning to his native Manhattan to star in his first Broadway show, Seminar.

Look, I’m sorry… no matter what Jerry O’Connell does, I’ll always think of him as the chubby kid in Stand By Me.  Although I’m not sure if he’d be so bothered by that, it’s good to know that television star O’Connell is returning to his native Manhattan to star in his first Broadway show, Seminar.

But returning “home” has made things a bit difficult for O’Connell… because like struggling actors a lot younger than him, O’Connell actually moved back into his parents’ place!

O’Connell tells, “I was born and raised in Manhattan, and I’m staying in my parents’ apartment right now.  It’s a little awkward being well into my 30s and living with my parents again, but that’s how it goes.”

Of course, when you’re married to a beautiful woman like Rebecca Romijn it’s obvious that O’Connell won’t be sleeping at mom and dad’s for long.  Romijn is scheduled to join O’Connell in New York and was very supportive of his move.  He says, “When the opportunity to be part of Seminar came up, my wife and I knew it was something I would have to pursue.  It’s tough that we have to move, but I’m no stranger to New York; I take the number 1 [subway] train up here every day. There was no way I was going to turn Seminar down.”   O’Connell definitely sounds enthusiastic about taking the role, and with good reason — he’ll be sharing the stage with other actors like Alan Rickman, Lily Rabe, Hamish Linklater and Hettienne Park.  Yeah, that could probably make me crash with my parents for a few weeks, too!

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