Oscar Speech and Backstage Interview: Jennifer Lawrence for Best Actress (video)

Jennifer Lawrence, Best Actress winner for Silver Linings Playbook

Jennifer Lawrence, Best Actress winner for Silver Linings Playbook

Oscar speech: “Thank you. You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that I fell and that’s really embarrassing but thank you. This is nuts. Thank you to the Academy and thank you to the women this year. You were so magnificent and so inspiring and not just those of you in my category. And it’s been so amazing getting to know you and you’ve been so nice and you’ve made this experience unforgettable. And thank you to the best producing team: Bruce, Donna, Jon and to my team at CAA and IDPR. And Bradley, and our entire cast: Chris, Jacki, Bob and our crew. My family. Happy birthday, Emmanuelle. Thank you so much. Thanks.”
Snippets of the best of her backstage interview:

On her fall and what happened?
“What do you mean what happened?  Look at my dress.  I tried to walk up stairs in this dress.  That’s what happened.  I don’t actually    I think I just stepped on the fabric and they waxed the stairs.”

“What went through my mind when I fell down?  A bad word that I can’t say that starts with ‘F.'”

She’s had 2 nominations. Is that a good thing?
“I hope so.  Yeah.  I mean, I who knows. I guess we’ll see.”

Is she worried about peaking too soon?
“Well, now I am.”

What was the difference between being nominated this year and two years ago?
“Preparing for the day?  Well, I didn’t eat today because I was so stressed and then I was starving in the car ride over, and that sucked.  But I don’t know.  Well, I was    I think I was    well, I was less nervous because I had been through it before, and I know more people.  I mean, last year or last time, I was brand new to the industry, and I was    and I didn’t know anybody.  So, I would always go to these things and I see all these people like hugging, and like, “Oh, my God, John, how are you?”  And I am just like er er er.  And so, I know more people, and that makes it a lot less awkward.”

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