Guest Post

Failure: Are You a Victim of It?

In order to have the career you really desire, you must be willing to practice imperfection. Let Dallas Travers tell you how!

Four Tips to Master the Telephone

Scared to pick up the phone to call a casting director, agent or producer? Dallas Travers has some great tips to get rid of those jitters!

3 Tips To Finding An Agent

Snagging an agent or manager can be tricky, time consuming, and expensive. Dallas Travers has 3 small steps to help you!

Using Your High Sensitivity Personality As an Actor

Everyone has some sensitivity to inner experiences and emotions, to the moods of others, and to many other sensations. But highly sensitive people have unusually strong awareness and reactions. Artists, including actors, are often highly sensitive and use this personality trait to be more creative and effective. But since the

Amy Lyndon on the ‘Realities Of The Acting Business’

Over the past several weeks I have been ridiculed for continuing to present to actors positive thoughts and “false hope” about working in the entertainment business given the state of affairs of SAG and the economy.  It has been said by a couple of naysayers that as a teacher it

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