Elizabeth Banks on Being an Actress and a New Mom: “You push through just like any other working mom”
Maternity leave? Not for Elizabeth Banks.
Maternity leave? Not for Elizabeth Banks.
Why is it that Brits always seem to one-up American actors with accents?
Is Billy Crystal the only person who can make the Oscars interesting?
Every long-running television show (and even some short-running ones, too!) has a fair amount of behind the scenes drama, but it’s a surprise to see a show like Sons of Anarchy going through a whole mess of drama recently.
While Linda Emond will appear as Willy Loman’s wife while Andrew Garfield, star of the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man, will star as Willy’s son Biff, the one-time sports hero whose life has not amounted to much of anything since.
“I tend to follow material generally. I don’t think you can go too far wrong if you follow great material, and also, you like to collaborate with people at the top of their game. So, those things. Also, you kind of go where J.J. goes.”
Bateman’s plan — do what you’re expected until you’ve earned enough respect to do something unexpected
How does one go from a bit player in Australian films and television series and being broke to being a major star of action films?
The theatres closed — some under the advice of law enforcement — to protect the theatre’s employees and patrons from the violence in the streets, which has so far included property damage, looting, and at least four deaths.
Dominic Cooper, star of The Devil’s Double, claims that the gold-painted torso and… let’s say below the belt area… on the film’s poster doesn’t belong to the star him
McElhenney decided to take on the fifty pound weight gain after watching other sitcoms and considering what It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stood for.
The Fringe Festival offerings run the gamut from one-man shows, such as Dan Horrigan’s “The Big A,” or serious plays from 52 year-old former lawyers like Paul David Young, or “Smoking Section,” written by Brian Pollock, an New York Police Officer.
“Unless your name is Clooney or Pitt or Hanks, I think it’s hard to feel completely like you’re established or where you want to be. This script, which I am eternally grateful for, came to me but only after it bounced off a couple other guys first who didn’t want to do it or couldn’t schedule it. I’d love to be more established”
Helgenberger’s character Catherine Willows will be phased out of the show while her character’s prominent role is taken over by D.B. Russell, a forensic scientist character who will be portrayed by television veteran Ted Danson.
“That’s the thing I learned early on: No matter how preposterous it is, I don’t say a word (about tabloid stories), ever.
When we last checked in on canceled ABC soaps All My Children and One Life to Live, which have been picked up by production company Prospect Park to be put online, Prospect Park was in the thick of negotiating with unions and on contract issues with the shows’ sizable cast and crew.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp — top this year’s list of highest-earning Hollywood actors, according to Forbes.
The Academy is planning to set restrictions for parties that happen during the Oscars voting period.
Balfour chatted about getting into character in a show that has a shorter season than the average network television series, and therefore less screen time.
Ifans, who plays the film’s main villain The Lizard, immediately began his rant by stating that he wanted to come to Comic-Con to see if comic book fans were anything like Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.