Sarah Silverman Gets Dramatic in ‘I Smile Back’

"I’m not one of those actresses out to prove something" - Sarah Silverman


Get ready, Sarah Silverman is about to dish the drama. The 44-year-old comedian is starring in I Smile Back, a film about a wife struggling with cocaine addiction, mental illness and infidelity.

The subject matter makes Silverman a bit nervous about how the film will be perceived.

“I have no idea how it will be perceived, and that makes me terrified,” she said to The New York Times. “I would like for the movie to be liked. But that’s also an uncomfortable spot for me. I don’t normally give control of my self-esteem to other people, or at least I’m trying harder not to.”

She got the role in the most unusual way. Screenwriter and author Amy Koppelman heard her on Howard Stern‘s show and knew she would understand the lead character’s struggles.

“I honestly wasn’t looking for this,” said Silverman. “I’m not one of those actresses out to prove something or rejuvenate a career by chasing an award. I’m a comedian. I’m still going to make funny videos from my couch.”

It really was a miracle role for the actress who has struggled to fit into Hollwyood. She even challenged a casting director who was typecasting her into a particular role.

“People are not all one thing,” she said. “I said: ‘Why do I always have to be the sassy best friend? I know I’m good at that. But what about that character who is kind and tries hard and deserves love? Why can’t I read for her.’ ”

He responded, “Because no one will ever see you that way.”

“Tears fell out of my eye holes even though I kept smiling,” she said.

I Smile Back debuted at the Sundance Film Festival.

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