Anna Kendrick: “I don’t really have a career strategy”

"The memory that at one point I couldn’t book a guest spot on Gilmore Girls is always on my mind. There is someone else out there who can do my job." - Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick in Pitch Perfect 2

Believe it or not, Anna Kendrick hasn’t been in every musical-themed movie in the last few years. But considering she has been in Pitch Perfect, The Last Five Years, Into the Woods, and the upcoming Pitch Perfect 2 — among a dozen other recent movies without music too — it’s possible that you thought otherwise. In an interview with the New York Times, Kendrick explained why she works so often and how she chooses the projects she does.

Kendrick admits that she doesn’t meticulously plot out his career. She explains, “In case you can’t tell, I don’t really have a career strategy. My decisions are entirely based on, ‘Well, I’m around, and this is something that the 15-year-old me would be excited to do.'”

Part of that has to do with her upbringing — Kendrick was raised in a working class family and is used to seeing people working every day. She says, “When you grow up middle class, you just always feel like you’ve got to be working or you won’t be able to pay the bills. I never let myself forget that I can’t just put this down and expect it to be waiting for me when I feel like coming back to it. The memory that at one point I couldn’t book a guest spot on Gilmore Girls is always on my mind. There is someone else out there who can do my job.”

Although I’m sure whomever beat Kendrick out for that guest spot on Gilmore Girls isn’t working as hard as Kendrick is now, right?

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