The 10 Chapters Of Your Life

Don’t be scared of the things that a different part of yourself wants to show you. They are there for a reason. Learn from them. Bless them. Utilize them.

Written by Anthony Meindl

Life constantly brings up your ‘stuff’ and it is meant to happen that way. That’s how we grow.

We can avoid it. We can deny it. We can ignore it. But eventually, we see that to get to where we want to go, we have to work through the stuff we’d rather step around.

There’s never around. There’s only through.

But we hate “our stuff.” And we often hate ourselves for having it. We think we should be “stuff” free. We look around and think, “None of those famous people have to deal with the stuff I have to work through.” Oprah doesn’t. Does she? Tom Cruise doesn’t. Does he? We think we’re the only ones who have it.

But everyone has it. Everyone’s got their stuff. Some people hide it better than others. Some people are honest about it. Others not so much. But everyone is here to evolve through what is uniquely part of who they are.

The key to getting on your path – and staying there – and experiencing all the things you truly desire, is to start confronting the stuff you run away from. The stuff you judge. The stuff you think you shouldn’t have. Or compartmentalize. Or project onto others.
 Once you begin to see that the stuff we are here to overcome is what we absolutely need to experience the life we want, you change your relationship to it.

And you change your relationship with yourself. You start being kinder. More loving. More compassionate. More creative. More brave. More risky. More fun.

Don’t be scared of the things that a different part of yourself wants to show you. They are there for a reason. Learn from them. Bless them. Utilize them.

There’s no way you can get to the last chapter without the first nine. They’re all needed. All part of the story that is uniquely you.

“If you don’t have any shadows, you’re not in the light.” – Lady Gaga


Anthony Meindl is an award-winning writer, producer, director and actor whose first feature screenplay, THE WONDER GIRLS, was the Grand Prize Winning Feature Screenplay in the Slamdance Film Festival Screenplay Competition in 2007. Prior to this accomplishment, Meindl was responsible for the production of an array of award-winning projects. His background in acting, training, and performance has afforded him the opportunity to create what has become a thriving artist community in Los Angeles.

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