Actors… Stop Attacking Each Other!

This industry is hard enough as it is without actors criticizing each other and questioning each others choices and motivations.

Actors Stop Attacking

I’ve seen lot of actors putting each other down and belittling each other in various groups this week and there is no need for it.

This industry is hard enough as it is without actors criticizing each other and questioning each others choices and motivations.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if everybody could just get along?

What if everyone was more honest about their fears and insecurities (with themselves as well as with everyone else) so there would be no need to belittle other people and put them down?

What if more people helped each other up instead of knocking others down?

If you’ve been criticized in a nasty way, remember this- when people are triggered by what you do, it’s because it’s a reflection of them and how they feel about themselves. Most will not realize this because they are holding onto very deep rooted fears and beliefs and are not ready to admit it to themselves.

You CAN control your own thoughts and your own actions.

You can NOT control those of other people, but you CAN control how you react to them.

You can choose to let it fill you with doubt and stop you in your tracks or you can choose to brush it off and carry on.

You have the right to choose your own path, to make your own choices (even if it goes against the norm) and to have your own motivations. You were born with a free will and nobody can take that away.

The next time you feel angry because you feel like you’re being targeted by someone, take a deep breath and just let it go. You never know what is going on with people. That could be struggling with something and projecting their frustration onto you or they could just be having a really bad day. Don’t get into pointless debates- you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. Save your energy for the things that do really matter like working on yourself, your skills and your career.


Eirian CohenEirian Cohen is the founder of Northern Star Acting and co-producer of ESG Media, LTD. (If you want to really develop your craft, we are holding auditions now for our acting for film and television courses in Leeds and Sherburn in Elmet)

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