When Choosing a Headshot Photographer, What They Do Is What You Get
When you hire someone to do something for you — an artist, a skilled worker, or anyone for that matter — what they do is what you get.
When you hire someone to do something for you — an artist, a skilled worker, or anyone for that matter — what they do is what you get.
Whenever we put ourselves out there, we open ourselves up to haters but is that a good enough reason to put us off doing what we love? No!
Your job as an actor is to move your audience and allow them to enter into the fantasy world that you have created.
There are so many monologues out there. How do you know which one to choose?
No one cares if your eyes are asymmetrical or if your smile is crooked. All they care about is if you look like you can play the part. Period.
Over the next few months, there will be some dramatic changes in the way the workshops are seen as a “tool” in Hollywood.
Once we decide on our goals, we need to work on them every day.
This isn’t a license to go crazy. Don’t become a Diva and say No to everything just to test your power. Be specific and only use it when it truly means something.
We’d rehearsed and rehearsed, I had worked so hard to prepare my character, and of course I knew my lines, but you know that few minutes when you’re standing at the side of the stage listening to the audience chattering in their seats? The audience that have come in to
The more active you are in your choices, the more villains will be standing in your way.
What did you bring to the audition that sets you apart? What did you do differently to everyone else who walked into the audition room that day?
“While others get paid in their chosen professions, you work to be able to afford yours.”
If you’re rushing the process you’ll surely spend more money and time than you wanted to in the first place.
You can use the strong story mechanics that superhero tales frequently employ by asking yourself these five questions for your acting or writing
Just like any other part of your branding, however, paying for a headshot is all about investing in something now, in order to get much higher returns later on.
Try these exercises (with videos to follow along) and tips for actors about making the most of your warm-ups!
Managing your calendar will allow you to focus your time and energy on what it is you want and need to get done as an actor.
Casting directors and agents know the difference between professional headshots and those taken by an amateur.
What should you do if your audition sides include talking on the phone?
Each of us views the world through a different set of eyes. And each of us has been deeply affected by the past events of our lives; they create who we are and the distinct perspectives we have today. We filter the world through the events of our past and